
Contact Management

Import and grow your data

Import or add your customers to the contacts database. You can also import your customers/ audience data from any CRM, MailChimp, Meetup, Gmail, and all such sources via CSV file to manage them in one place as your database.

Unified Contacts View

Manage a unified view of your contacts in one place. Enrich the data with various data sources, and tags to build better sense about your contacts.

Smart Tagging

Each contact you import gets automatically tagged with source name (MailChimp, Explara Events, Gmail, etc.). You can add smart tags to make better sense out of your contact database to engage them for your campaigns.

Import from MailChimp

Import your data from Mailchimp to reduce your operations cost and send unlimited emails to unlimited email lists.

Email Lists

List Management

Create unlimited lists to subscribe to your contacts in addition to smart tagging each contact. Send email campaigns to this list to engage your contacts database.

Signup Forms

UCreate signup/subscription forms/widgets by adding custom form fields to collect information from your contacts. Offer this subscription form in various campaigns for your user to subscribe to your list.

Subscriber Management

Manage your subscribers in each email list. Allow your subscribers to unsubscribe from one list or all your email lists.

Email Campaigns

WYSIWYG Email Editor

Use WYSIWYG email editor to drag & drop components, structures to build your beautiful template that works on all clients and devices. All email templates are tested in all browsers and form factors to ensure the finest delivery.

Free Email Templates

Save hours by using Explara’s beautiful email templates to send email campaigns. All free templates are responsive, renders on different clients, including Outlook.

Email Newsletters

Run your email newsletter subscription with ease. Whether you are sending an organizational update, or promoting your product/services, keep engaging your subscribers/customers.

Bulk Emails

Send an unlimited email with our advanced email queue system which offers a unique parallel queue for each customer. Whether you are sending 10,000 emails or 100,000 emails, our system takes care of your bulk email delivery.

Send Campaign

Send unlimited email campaigns to your list(s). Measure the effectiveness of an email campaign by analyzing reports. Include social media buttons for increased social sharing.

ESP Integration

ESP Integration

You can integrate AWS SES, Mandrill, Sendgrid accounts to send mail via your email service provider. Reduce your cost to 100x less with AWS SES gateway.

Email Analytics

Company Connects

Analyze companies connected via your contacts database, and this will help you for account-based marketing for your products and services.

Contacts by Tags

Analyze contacts by filtering via tags, and this allows you to narrow your search and target specific contacts as per their activity, location, and more demographic data.

Campaign Report

Analyze your email campaign reports for opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, and countries with charts & data. Download the reports to share.

Data Privacy

Bounce & Complaint handling

Explara takes care of email bounce and complaint handling for your newsletter/ campaign email.

GDPR / Data Privacy

Explara is GDPR compliant, and all our product & services follow privacy policy as laid out in GDPR/PDPA and other data privacy frameworks/laws.

Team & Collab


Bring your co-admin to collaborate for email marketing and managing the campaigns. You don’t have to share your account details and permissions.

Bring your Team

Bring your team members to participate in email workflows such as template builder, database access, campaign, reports, and overall support needed.

Access Control

Enable fine-grained permission level for your team members as per their roles/responsibilities. Each team member can use their login to access assigned features.

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