How can I sell Digital products on ExplaraBiz?

To use ExplaraBiz for selling digital goods, you need to first signup with ExplaraBiz  

Enter your email Id and Password to create your account.

A verification mail is sent to your entered email Id. 

Enter the verification code and click Proceed.

Upon successful validation of your account, you will be taken to 'About Yourself' where the system would collect a few necessary information about you so that it serves you better in the future.

Enter your name, contact number, business name, etc. 

Once your account setup is ready with the above steps, you can sell digital products by going to the products menu and creating products to sell online. 

To sell a digital product, you can set up a product name, short description, long description, your digital file that will be sent to the buyer, quantity, and price of the product. With this, you have a product page ready for your buyer to start buying. ExplaraBiz automates checkout, payment collection, and sending digital files to the buyer.


